How do you Kumu? With Rob Ricigliano
People use Kumu across lots of sectors and disciplines to improve the way they visualize and communicate complex relationships. Today is the first of a new »
People use Kumu across lots of sectors and disciplines to improve the way they visualize and communicate complex relationships. Today is the first of a new »
Presentations combine the best of PowerPoint, Prezi, and Kumu into one easy-to-use tool. Meet the single best way to communicate complex ideas with ease: You' »
Our big plans for this small but mighty form [] continue. You'll now find support for changing the following defaults: »
Beneath Kumu lies a powerful and flexible data model that let's you track an essentially limitless amount of information for each of the elements, »
Our goal at Kumu is to help you communicate complexity with ease. While we've made it easy to build maps, presenting them to others »