Introducing :from( ) and :to( ) pseudo selectors

Until now you've only been able to select connections based on the field values assigned to those connections (things like connection type, strength, etc.). With the new :from( ) and :to( ) pseudo selectors you can now select connections based on properties of the elements those connections are attached to.

A few examples:

  • You could select all connections that are coming from elements with type "organization" :from(organization).
  • You could select all connections pointing to a specific element :to(#my-element-label).
  • Or all connections (from and to) elements that are highly influential :from(["level of influence"="high:]),:to(["level of influence"="high:]).

To build your own, just add any selector within the parentheses :from(selector). Try building your own by picking an element from your map ("Advocacy of Public Unions") and then using it in a selector in the search by typing =:to(#advocacy-of-public-unions).

Using focus to identify ripple effects

For the Hawaii Quality of Life system maps, certain elements are tagged with "leverage point". By using :from(.leverage-point), we can go from this:

to this:

Decorating connections based on properties of connected elements

Since this just extends the flexibility and power of selectors, you can also use :from( ) and :to( ) in the decorations you build with the advanced editor. You may want all connections coming from organizations to be a different color, or make sure connections coming out of an element tagged with "leverage point" are thicker.

That should get you started! Send us a note if you get stuck or run across any bugs with these selectors.