Discussions are meant to be strategic topic-based threads, that are opened, deliberated, and closed. Rinse and repeat. Progress over perfection.
But it's easy for discussions to lose focus. And it's even easier for participants to become overwhelmed. We need to isolate each concern into it's own discussion and avoid discussion sprawl if we're going to use them effectively.
In this spirit we're now autocompleting discussion references and usernames, making it easier to cross-reference discussions and bring specific users into the conversion.
@mention autocomplete
Sometimes you want everyone's input. Other times you may only want a thumbs up / thumbs down from the boss. One thing for sure, discussions are way more fun when there are other people involved!
Today we added @mention autocomplete for all discussions. Simply type @ and we'll prompt you from there.
The list includes all project members and anyone that's already participated in the discussion. We've included full names and usernames to make it easier to find who you're looking for.
#discussion autocomplete
Simply type # and we'll prompt you with the existing list of discussions. These references are automatically converted into links to make it easy to jump between related threads and keep each discussion on topic.