Last week we hammered out a handful of performance and usability improvements.
But we're not finished.
Each round of nuances makes Kumu more enjoyable for everyone to use. We know there's still a lot more to tackle. What's still bothering you? Tell us!
Here's a list of some of the recent improvements:
- Added an image placeholder to the element profile to make it easier to add images
- Added support for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and GitHub profile links
- Tweaked the layout to prevent elements from drifting too far away from each other on small maps
- Changed the default deocoration prompt from "selected" to "similar" to encourage attribute-based decorations
- Limitted scales to numeric attributes only to prevent busted scales
- Added auto-detection of attribute settings within imports (imports now autodetect lists, along with urls and numbers)
- Improved the speed of large imports
- Increased the default font and arrow sizes
- Fixed .xlsx import issue with Firefox
- Fixed issues with straight connections
- Reduced memory and cpu usage