Updated help documentation
Our goal is to make it easy for you to get started without having to read through a lot of documentation about how to use Kumu. But once you're ready to dive in and learn all that Kumu has to offer (warning: there's a lot below the surface!), great help docs are invaluable.
You can now find the latest help guides by visiting docs.kumu.io. Expect the content to keep improving week over week and let us know if you find a guide that is out of date or needs tweaking.
Love writing help docs?
You'll also notice a subtle "edit this page" link at the bottom of each page. The docs are hosted in a public Github repo so you can easily make your own edits and submit them for review. Here are the steps:
- Sign in or sign up for a GitHub account
- Click the edit link on the page you want changed
- Click the pencil icon to edit the page in GitHub
- Make your edits, and then add a title and description for your changes
- Click "create pull request"
- Wait for us to review and approve your changes
We'd love to hear your reaction to these updated docs. Do you love them? What's still missing? Send us your thoughts!