We recently updated our terms of service and privacy policy. These updates apply to everyone who uses Kumu.
We recommend that you review them both carefully. If you continue to use Kumu, you do so under the new terms and privacy policy. Below is a summary of the changes.
Privacy policy
- Updating our policy to comply with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor
- Specifying opt-out mechanism for email communications
- Explicitly stating that information may be stored in the United States
- Specifying steps for correcting, updating and removing personal information
- Providing means for independent dispute resolution regarding our privacy practices
- Updating the contact mechanism for questions about our privacy policy
- Updating the specific steps and contact information relating to our Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") process
If you have any questions, you can contact us by email at privacy@kumu.io.